Vacation Rental

Travelers love visiting Southern California and if you’re a property owner using AirBnB, VRBO or have vacation rentals then GiGo can be your go-to cleaning service to make sure your rental space is guest-ready.

We will meet all your specifications to ensure the property is clean and welcoming.

Vacation rental cleaning is a primary logistical consideration for property managers or hosts. One of the main challenges is to coordinating cleaning and guest turnarounds quickly. Yet, the cleaning must be detailed and completed. Vacation rental cleaning is more than just ensuring your property is spotlessly clean for your next booking; it also includes organization and safety.

Guests will immediately notice a lack of cleaning; if it’s not good enough, they will complain. GiGO Clean App makes hiring trained cleaning professionals easy. It offers a solution to busy property managers and hosts who may not be on-site doing guest turnover.

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